
Recruitment Policy

  • Part of Chester’s aim is to provide employment to local people in and around the projects’ sites. It is intended to recruit the labour force from those areas, especially the unskilled labour.
  • Skilled labour and administrative staff in building and construction abounds in and around the projects’ areas due to the ongoing developments in the area. Chester’s contractors would benefit from the abundance of this skill base and that would go to limit not only the cost of recruitment but also pay.


Reward & Retention Policy

  • Employee retention will be facilitated through the implementation of good packages of working conditions and incentives in line with employee status and performance. This will be geared towards accomplishing specific company motivational requirements for particular individuals or groups and will involve one or a combination thereof as outlined hereunder:
  • Comparatively better pay than our competitors
  • Housing support for targeted key employees
  • Subsidised car allowance for senior staff
  • Promotion
  • Bonuses
  • Paid leave
  • Paid sick leave
  • Pension schemes
  • Training and developnment
  • Subsided accommodation for managers
  • Pay & Reward System

The Pay and Reward System will be based on a combination of salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses and other incentives as will be spelt out in company policies and will depend on employee status and motivational requirements as agreed under terms and conditions of employment.